Category Archives: Services

NELM Helping Local Authors Self-Publish eBooks on Amazon Kindle

Kindle eReader Image

In the last six month New England Local Marketing has helped two local authors get their eBooks published on Amazon Kindle. Many people would love to write and publish their own book. It is said there is a book lurking in each of us but the problem is getting it out onto paper and then published. Traditional publishers are very selective on the projects they take on and first time authors have a difficult job “selling” their idea to traditional publishers. And then if they do they may see very little money from all their work. These days there are many options for people to self-publish their own book. They still have to write it – sort of – but Amazon will publish your book for you – providing it meets their standards. Here’s more…

New England Local Marketing

New England Local Intenet Marketing Logo

New England Local Marketing helps small businesses in the region obtain more customers and profits through online local marketing. If you’re a local business here are some interesting stats for you.